Important Question...
Do you know Jesus?
If you would like to know more about starting a new relationship with Jesus Christ, please click here; Or if you need encouragement in your current walk, please don't let this day pass by without talking to someone. Call or email our church office.

Click to Read our Statement of Faith

More Reminders

Sunday Morning Prayer

Sunday morning prayer takes place every Sunday from 10 -10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Join your brothers and sisters in Christ as we pray for the upcoming 10:45 a.m. Sunday Service and other prayer needs.

Sign Up to Receive Messages from CCD with Updates & News

If you would like to receive text messages with CCD ministry updates, news, and information, please text Hello to 833-340-6703 and you will be asked to provide us your name, then you will start receiving the messages. You may opt-out at any time. To receive prayer requests from CCD, please text Prayer Team to 833-340-6703. If you have any questions about this messaging service, please contact the church office.
Worship Services Sundays 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
1280 Jimmy Campbell Parkway, Dallas, GA 30132
Phone: 770-485-4565
Text Alerts and Notifications: Get text alerts by texting Hello to

Mailing Address:
457 Nathan Dean Blvd Ste 105-206, Dallas GA 30132

This Week at CCD!

News & Announcements

An Accelerated Study From Genesis to Revelation in 3 Years

No ac3 Bible Study until March 4 & 5

You will have two opportunities to attend our ac3 study each week on Tuesday mornings at 11 a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Check out our ac3 page on our website for study materials and links to the previous teaching.  Please contact the church office for questions or more information.

Saturday Morning Breakfast & Bible Study News

Join us as our next Saturday Bible Studies on March 8, 2025 @ 9a.m.
Our men & women will met every other Saturday morning for Bible Studies, starting with breakfast together at 9 a.m. After breakfast, they will separate and gather for their studies. The women will continue through the Book of Mark and the men are studying through the Book of I Peter. Check out the church calendar for the next study.  If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

The Poole Elementary Ministry

A Community Outreach to the Students & Staff at Poole Elementary, Dallas, GA

Please continue to pray for the children & staff at Poole Elementary.  
If you have any questions about our this Ministry, please contact our church office at

February 15-24, 2025


Pastor Anthony is leading a trip for Calvary Chapel Dallas to Israel February 15-24, 2025.
Please be in prayer for safety of the team and pray for the plans our Lord has for them in Israel.

Giving to Calvary Chapel Dallas

You may mail a check to our mailing address: Calvary Chapel Dallas, 457 Nathan Dean Blvd Ste 105-206, Dallas GA 30132.
Or if you join us at the church for our studies or Sunday worship, you can drop your check or cash in our Agape Box located just outside our sanctuary.
Or  Click here to give online.
The word SECURE, what does it mean?
According to “Google” secure means to be guarded, to be safe, without danger. It means to be without doubt, anxiety or fear. It means to have confidence and trust. That is how we all want to be, right? But “feeling secure” is not always the way that life is for us. We live in a sin cursed world that is being ruled by Satan, the source of all doubt and insecurity. Thankfully, we do not have to live by our feelings, but rather we can choose to live by faith in the promises and the faithfulness of our loving God. Romans 8, a chapter that many consider to be the greatest chapter in the Bible, is full of God’s promises of His faithfulness. Join us as we study this amazing chapter at this year’s Deep South Women’s Gathering, being hosted at Calvary Chapel Lexington, March 21-22, 2025! The cost is $40 until 3/10/25 and $50 starting 3/11/25.
Register for the conference at
The CCD Daughter’s of the King Women’ s Ministry has secured a block of hotel rooms for this event. The cost for double occupancy (sharing a room with 2 queen beds) is $98 for the night. Please contact the church office if you want more information about hotel reservations. Just a reminder, you MUST register and pay for the conference separately.

Our CCD Children's Ministry Meets Every Sunday starting at 10:30 a.m.

The CCD Children’s Ministry meets every Sunday morning starting at 10:30 a.m. Your children are invited to join our Shepherd’s Lambs (Birth to 4 Years), King’s Kids (Pre-K - 2nd Grade), or Crosswalk Kids (3rd-5th Grade). Our Children’s Ministry uses The Gospel Project curriculum.  This curriculum is a Christ-centered, chronological Bible study made just for kids. We will be studying Genesis to Revelation with our children in the Nursery to the 5th grade! If you have any questions, please call the church office.

NexGen Youth Ministry News

We will not have Youth for the next two weeks.

Join us on Sunday, March 2, for our next  Bible Study, fellowship, and fun. We meet on Sundays at 5 p.m. at the church.
 Come and bring a friend! Please see contact the church office with any questions.

Sundays at 10:45 a.m. & Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

If you are traveling or do not feel comfortable attending in-person Sunday services or Wednesday evening Bible study, check out our live-streaming options below.  You can watch the Sunday services live at 10:45 a.m. and on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. as it is happening or watch the services later.  The different links to the Calvary Chapel Dallas channels and Facebook Live are below. Plan to share with your family and friends, so they can join us no matter where they live. If you have any questions, please the church office.
CCD YouTube Channel:
CCD FB Live link:

Opportunities to Serve at Calvary Chapel Dallas

Children’s Ministry Needs Your Help!

We need additional workers in our Children's Ministry. Please earnestly pray as to whether God would lead you to join us as we seek to be a blessing to those young lives that have been placed in our care. Please see Pastor Anthony or Kendra if you are interested in serving or have any questions.
Will You Help Our Church to Sparkle?

If you are looking for a very flexible place to serve at CCD, we have openings on the Sparkle Team, our cleaning ministry. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer for this important ministry, please call or email the church office.
Other CCD Ministries Looking for Volunteers!!

~Worship Ministry
~Technology Ministry
~Outreach Ministry

If you would like to get involved with any of the ministries at Calvary Chapel Dallas and need more information, please contact the church office at 770-485-4565 or by email at
Upcoming Events
CCD Upcoming Events
Children's Minsitry

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